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GIoTS 2023 goes virtual!


The Global IoT Summit (GIoTS2023) will be held as scheduled to June 3 2023 as a virtual event.

As always, our priority is the safety and well-being of our attendees, employees, speakers and sponsors. Based on information from healthcare officials and local authorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to shift GIoTS 2023 from an event in-person to a virtual event.
More details on that, along with the reduced fees and registration information will be published soon together with the specifics for those who had previously registered for the in-person conference.

The authors of submissions accepted for presentation will be invited to contribute to the virtual conference sessions by producing a pre-recorded version of their paper presentation (15 minutes). Information and technical instructions on how to prepare for a virtual presentation will be sent separately.
Accepted papers for GIoTS 2023 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library after their videos are published on the GIoTS website and streamed during the virtual conference.

Thank you for your understanding, stay safe and see you virtually in June!
The GIoTS Organisation Committee

Supported by


The Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) is an international conference established to attract and present the latest research results in IoT. It is endorsed by IEEE and intends to select the best papers through a systematic peer review process.

GIOTS 2023 is a unique event, and will consist of Keynote Sessions, Cutting-edge Sessions and Presentations, Thematic Workshops, Special Sessions, Exhibition Area and a Hackathon.

Why attend? Besides giving you an opportunity to join a lively IoT community, it also provides:

  • A great line-up of speakers - GIoTS brings together researchers from diverse cross-disciplinary areas to address challenges in the emerging discipline
  • Publication of papers – all selected papers will be published by IEEE and Sensor
  • GIoTS registration includes a pass to IoT Week sessions (IoT Week registration does not allow to submit article and to take full part in the IEEE GIoTS sessions)


GIoTS invites you to submit papers on Internetof Things.
Share your research results with the IoT community at large with over 1500 expected participants!

Read more


Please submit your papers to these selected workshops:

– 2nd Workshop on Smart Building and Internet of Things (SBIoT) >>
EDAS link >>

– 3rd Workshop on Internet of Things Security and Privacy (WISP) (in conjunction with Global IoT Summit 2023) >>

– Workshop on Business Model Innovation and Sustainability in IoT (BMIS-IoT)
EDAS link >>

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EDAS link >>

– Workshop on Internet of Things for Digital Transformation (in conjunction with Global IoT Summit 2023)
EDAS link >>

Dr. Jorge Pereira
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Jart Armin
CEO of DefCon, Netherlands
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Hardy Schloer
Managing Director of Schloer Consulting Group and the Chief Technical Officer of Prisma Analytics GmbH
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Selected paper of the conference will be invited to a Special Issue of Journal Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3.031)

Springer book catalogue

Dear GIoTS attendees:
Springer is happy to offer virtual delegates a 20% discount any Springer books, see attached flyer for a small selection of titles or visit us at Springer is a leading publisher of books and journals in computer science, including the seminal Lecture Notes in Computer Science. We are actively seeking book proposals, so if you have any ideas for a book project please contact me at your convenience and I would be happy to answer any questions and help you develop a proposal. I am sorry that we will not have this chance to meet in person but I hope we will in the not so distant future. In the meantime stay safe!
Best regards,
Susan Evans| Senior Editor| Computer Science| Springer Nature | M +1-646-59

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